Monday, July 9, 2007

I learned today that my favorite author and one who has sent me on my great and wonderful journey to historical romances, died yesterday. Her name was Kathleen E. Woodiwiss. One of the greatest, if not the greatest romance writer of our time. She died battling her cancer. So, today I want to pay tribute to her with this blog. I learned she died from visiting another author's blog. That is probably my next favorite, Teresa Medeiros. She's got an awesome tribute on her page, so please visit that and help pay tribute to a beloved author that will be missed and now more than ever her work will be treasured. Thank you.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Another Day~!

I just heard Kelly Clarkson's new song "Sober" yesterday on GMA and I cannot get it out of my head. I love it~! Do you love it? I am such a big fan of Teresa Medeiros's right now. I recently bought all of her books. I only have like 5 or 6 left to read. I'm reading her book called, "Once An Angel." Great book, but then they're all great. I compare her to Kathleen E. Woodiwiss along with Sasha Lord. Those are my 3 fav authors. I love historical romances. Love em~! I could literally read my life away. So, I have to pace myself or else I'll do just that. Another day and my house is clean and I have nothing to do. Well, there's little things that always can be done, but well, oh well. ;) I like blogging, it's really kewl, gives me something to do. Any who, talk to you blogger later. *Remember to smile* (I need to take some of my own advice)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tragedy In Wrestling Community

I'm sure most people have heard about the tragedy that occurred with WWE's Chris Benoit and his family. I just think to myself how could this have happened? But it did happen. And people are trying to blame it on steroids and I'm sorry I just don't believe that can be the cause. You still know what you're doing. It's called self-control. Anyway besides that, I am starting this blog to lose weight. Nothing else has worked for me and why not blog. I get lonely during the days sometime. So, Im not sure how all this works, but I'll figure it out, I'm sure. I recently had to withdraw from an online class of College Algebra. I suck at algebra. I am 23 years old. I am 270 pds. Last time I checked. I haven't been on one in a while. Don't plan on getting on a scale anytime soon, either. :) Anyway, any comments or new friends to meet would be appreciated. Have a great day~! - *Remember keep smiling* ( I need to take some of my own advice)